Thursday, May 10, 2012

Science Week; Day 4

Today Agent Smelly did her final experiment in order to earn her badge. I think both girls played with this for over a week, they just love ...


You will need
  • bowl
  • cornflour
  • water
  • food colouring (optional, but highly recommended!)

1. Pour some cornflour into a mixing bowl.

2. Stir in small amounts of water until the cornflour has become a very thick paste.

3. To make the slime the colour of your choice, thoroughly stir about five drops of food colouring into the mixture.

  • Stir your slime REALLY slowly. This shouldn't be hard to do.
  • Stir your slime REALLY fast. This should be almost impossible.
  • Now punch your slime REALLY hard and fast. It should feel like you're punching a solid.
Cornflour slime is a special type of fluid that doesn't follow the usual rules of fluid behaviour. When a pressure is applied to slime, it becomes thicker. At a certain point the slime actually seems to lose its flow and behave like a solid.

You can keep your slime mixture covered in a fridge for several days. If the cornflour settles, just stir it to make it work again.

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